Principal’s Message

  • Knowledge and continuous learning is the mainstay among the best schools today. Our school has ventured to focus on education using the recent advances in the area of modern technology. DALIMSS Sunbeam Group of Schools has become a vital agency of transformation especially to harness the limitless energy and creativity of our fast growing young students for Nation building and also to inculcate in them the values of global citizenship. We at DALIMSS Sunbeam provide latest educational trends and give opportunity to students and equip them to face the real life situations. We expect that our students will be competent enough to accept the new opportunities for all round development and technological proficiency to cope up with the information age. Let us continue the fruitful efforts in achieving the objectives and mission of the school in order to fulfill the vision of the famous educationist and founder of the school. In the fast track academic globalization, we need to inculcate modern education to cope up with the trends of mobilization in education.

  • Meharunnisha
  • Principal
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